UP Magazine
UP Magazine from TAP released this month an edition about “Caminhos de Fátima” to talk about the centenary of the Apparitions, reason of the first visit of Pope Francis to Portugal. As first animation movie about this subject, we were invited to participate in this edition. This magazine reaches about 13 million voyagers, so it was with great pride that we saw ourselves flying around the world.

On the 31st of May, Imaginew celebrated 17 years of existence. To celebrate this all employees had to give a picture of themselves at 17 years of age to develop a celebration poster. We know this project is made with people who dedicate their knowledge and dedication, and therefor everyone deserves to be congratulated.
“Hoje fazemos 17 anos. Não é uma data “redonda” nem a maioridade. Mas fazemos anos e são 17.
Maioridade atingia nesse ano a pessoa mais “velha” que aqui colabora depois de mim.
Já trabalhamos em tudo, já passou por cá tudo e de tudo.
Os que tenho hoje são os que gosto, os que riem, os que se esforçam e os que são meus.
Meus instituição, e meus comigo.
E isso foi o que mais aprendi nestes 17 anos.
Escolhe os que riem, valoriza os que discordam contigo construtivamente, aprecia os que motivam, exige a competência, reconhece as pessoas.
Assim, podes ter uma equipa em que às 9:30h de segunda-feira todos riem.
E eu sempre tive muito gosto e orgulho, em todas as equipas, mas nesta em especial.
Parabéns, Imaginew e Imaginewers.”
Rui Pedro Oliveira

Making Of

Imaginew was present in the celebrations of the centenary of Fatima, on the 12th and 13th of May. Sound and image were recorded in order to edit for the making of that will be released in October.
Activation of the movie in Fátima

From the 7th to the 14th of May, bookmarks and flyers were distributed in the hotels in Fátima. This activation of the movie was targeted towards the hotel sector in the celebrations of the centenary. The bookmarks were placed in each hotel bed at the check in and contained a message of the movie.The flyers were placed at the reception counter e each hotel.